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Character Encoding

We deal with character encoding issues when importing data to databases all the time. All databases are encoded in UTF-8, and the most common non-ASCII, non-UTF-8 format is Microsoft’s custom encoding, which is CP-1252 (also known as win-1252 and a few other things). The character encoding of a file can’t necessarily be definitively determined by examination, but the Linux command-line tool file generally does a good job. If you want to change the encoding of a file rather than importing it in a known format, the Linux command-line tool iconv will do that for you. There’s a Python library on PyPI named chardet that will also diagnose file encodings.

For data managers, the workflow is to first guess that encoding errors on data import are due to the file being cp-1252. That covers about 90% of cases. Our import tool also automatically diagnoses instances where a file starts with a byte order mark (BOM), which covers most of the rest of the cases. For the remainders, Geany is usually the quickest way to check the file encoding.

Everything that comes out of our databases is always in UTF-8, so I, at least, don’t ordinarily have encoding issues when importing data to R. For those who use data from other sources, it is a good idea to document a recommended workflow and set of tools.