Strength Training

Strength training workout routines

Intermediate Routines

Version 1

The following regimen can be used for any 5 day/week workout schedule. I typically workout Monday-Friday, where each lift is executed once Monday-Thursday, and any targeted muscle group is performed again on Friday.

Back & Biceps

Lift Sets Reps Notes
Rowerg 1 2-5 minutes Warmup
Deadlift 5 10, 8, 6, 8, 10 Pyramid intensity
Pull-Ups 3 10 Failure on last set
Lat Pull Downs 3 10
One Arm Seated Cable Rows 3 12
Face Pulls 3 12
Bent Over Rows 3 10
Shoulder Superset 3 12 Failure
Hammer Curls 3 12
Barbell Curls 3 12
Back Hyperextension 4 12
Planks 3 60 seconds
Leg Raises 3 15
Sit Ups 3 25
Bike 1 20-30 minutes

Chest & Triceps

Lift Sets Reps Notes
Bench Press 4 10, 8, 5, 3 Pyramid intensity
Incline Press 4 12
Flys 4 12
Dips 3 Failure
Tricep Pushdowns 4 12
Dumbbell Press 4 12
Ab Roller 3 10
Sitting Twists 3 30
Wipers 3 12
Run 1 6 miles


Lift Sets Reps Notes
Rowerg 1 10 minutes Warmup
Back Squat 5 10, 8, 6, 8, 10 Pyramid intensity
Lunges 3 12
Good Mornings 3 12
Kettelbell Deadlift 3 12
Mixed Cable 3 12 Leg Curl, Side Step, Knee Raise
Back Hyperextension 3 12 Hold for 3 seconds at full extension
Calf Raises 3 12
One Leg Balance 3 45 seconds On Incline
Glute Bridges 3 10
Rowerg 1 5 minutes

Shoulders & Traps

Lift Sets Reps Comments
Rowerg 1.0 10 minutes Warmup
Military Press 4.0 12, 8, 5, 3 Failure On Last Set
Lateral Raises 3.0 12
Rear Delt Flys 3.0 12
Front Raises 3.0 10
Dumbell Superset
Barbell Shrugs 3.0 10
One Arm Dumbbell Snatch 3.0 10
Upright Rows 3.0 10
Kettlebell Swing 3.0 10
Farmers Carry 3.0 Failure
Scissor Kicks 3.0 30 seconds
L-sit 3.0 Failure
Toe Taps 3.0 20

Version 2

It’s great that you’re looking to switch up your weightlifting routine. Here’s a 5-day lifting routine that you can follow using the equipment you have in your home gym. This routine focuses on different muscle groups each day to provide variety and promote balanced muscle development.

Day 1: Chest and Triceps

  1. Bench Press
  2. Incline Dumbbell Press
  3. Dumbbell Flyes
  4. Dips (using the dip attachment on your functional strength trainer)
  5. Tricep Pushdowns (using the cable machine)
  6. Push-Ups (bodyweight or with added weight if needed)
  7. Ab Roller or Planks for core work
  8. Cardio: Consider running or rowing for cardio.

Day 2: Back and Biceps

  1. Pull-Ups (if you have a pull-up bar)
  2. Bent-over Rows (with the barbell or dumbbells)
  3. Lat Pulldowns (using the cable machine)
  4. Seated Cable Rows
  5. Barbell or Dumbbell Bicep Curls
  6. Hammer Curls (using dumbbells)
  7. Back Extensions (using the back hyperextension/dip machine)
  8. Cardio: Rowing or running can be good options.

Day 3: Legs

  1. Squats (with the squat rack and barbell)
  2. Romanian Deadlifts (with the barbell)
  3. Lunges (with dumbbells)
  4. Leg Press (if your cable machine allows for it)
  5. Leg Extensions (if your cable machine allows for it)
  6. Calf Raises (using the squat rack)
  7. Planks for core work
  8. Cardio: Rowing or running.

Day 4: Shoulders and Abs

  1. Overhead Press (with the barbell or dumbbells)
  2. Side Lateral Raises (with dumbbells)
  3. Front Raises (with dumbbells)
  4. Upright Rows (with the barbell)
  5. Face Pulls (using the cable machine)
  6. Hanging Leg Raises (if you have a pull-up bar)
  7. Russian Twists (using a dumbbell)
  8. Cardio: Running or rowing.

Day 5: Full Body and Cardio

  1. Deadlifts (with the barbell)
  2. Push-Ups or Push-Up Variations
  3. Pull-Ups or Bodyweight Rows
  4. Planks (focus on core stability)
  5. Cardio: A combination of running, rowing, or using the functional strength trainer for a full-body circuit.