Command Prompt

Run a Python Script

@echo off

@REM Set the path to the script root (using UNC path). Note the string is not quoted.
set SCRIPT_DIR=\\\data\<Project Number Range>\<Project Folder>\Working_Files\DataManagement\IDB\export\script

@REM Name of the script to execute. Note the string is not quoted.
set SCRIPT_NAME=export.sql

@REM Prompt the user for their Postgres password
@REM This allows for users to run the execsql script who might not have
@REM a custom execsql.conf file specified with their username.
set /p "DB_USER=Enter you PostgreSQL username: "

@REM Run the execsql script
PowerShell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& Set-Location -Path %SCRIPT_DIR%; M:\DataManagement\bin\ -u %DB_USER% %SCRIPT_NAME%"
