Mounting a Windows Share

Mount a windows share drive to a Linux machine

Caleb Grant


July 5, 2023

Quick Reference

The command below can be used to create a temporary mount point although the mount will disassociate on next server reboot.

mkdir /home/<user>/mnt/DataManagement && \
sudo mount -t cifs // /home/<user>/mnt/DataManagement -o username=<user>,password="",uid=1000

Persistent Mounts

  1. Create a mount point to a Windows share name (e.g. Q): sudo mkdir /mnt/share/Q

  2. Append the following similar line to /etc/fstab– to associate the mount automatically upon machine boot:

    // /mnt/share/Q cifs credentials=/home/DatamanBU/.smbpasswd,uid=1011,gid=1005,dir_mode=0775,file_mode=0775,rw 0 0


    • uid=1011: mount as user username. Find UID with id -u <username>

    • gid=1005: mount as group datamgrs

    • dir_mode=0775, file_mode=0775: readable/writeable by any users that are members of datamgrs group

    • The credentials file /home/DatamanBU/.smpbasswd must already exist (or be created) by root. It contains 2 lines:

    • Make the credentials file only readable by root: sudo chmod 700 /home/DatamanBU/.smbpasswd

  3. Associate the mount immediately: sudo mount -a -v -t cifs